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delivery parturition childbirth birthing childbearing abortion genesis throw nativity bearing labour homebirth childing lambing exchange GIFT donation birth child-bearing deliver birthday induction surrender notification parturient cession stillbirth childbed natal beestings admittance bribery sacrifice generation issuance issue thanksgiving labor dictation resignation expectant assistance interchange native dispensation prenatal help postnatal birthstone payment announcement
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renunciation the Nativity commutation Christian Era almsgiving formation miscarriage -parous encouragement viviparous validation nobility assignment bar sinister presentation remission confinement distribution devise concession animation life wigwag authorization admonition return litter samsara provision natural childbirth restitution perinatal contraception birthplace delegation caul reportage DOB nationality desperation accouchement prodigality dation tithing ventilation midwife figuration piping revenge determination payoff lading administration settlement respect expect reparation fall postpartum testing highborn assist baseborn consignment gentility boost instruction crowdbirthing parous submission twin differentiation tensive conjugation contribution glorification handover outgang calve b. prolicide license briefing Christmas female execution country drive invitation bounty falsification noblesse oblige stork generosity born employment eucharist concentration dole spurious pelvimetry the happy event carol happy event commission trimming lying-in farrow installation medication emission lift pronunciation firstborn ministration neonatal in utero midwifery self-gratification jogging speaking beating marking reinstatement browning close thoughtful Midsummer Day consultancy advocacy animative whelp obstetrics self-giving afterbirth atelectasis transfer plagiarism appellation superfetate consanguineous rinse viability innate appreciation support disarmament grant arbitrament permission alimentation damsel kinship fatherland Brith Milah franklin offer done persistence towage allegation remuneration gulp revelment smooth reset whet colostrum allotment surrogacy guaranty bailout instrument deposition parity stillborn burden giveaway accreditation capitulation perspiration rejection formative investiture sedation bequest explanation exaltation elevation origin grandisonant polarization birthweight disposition connate pay maternity ward d.o.b. maieutics respiration purple breed rendition denomination accordance engagement release desertion helping redefinition abandonment transmission efformation inviting simulation pretence erogation enactment decision abdication eldest sanction summary largesse d. share-out connaturally vernacular meditation Childe twinborn nectar declaration gent foster twinning prepartum induce charity thoughtless appellative empowerment backbone h restoration polytocous gentle bet nourishable lactation the Christian era tokophobia nowel swap gravestone seposition biestings gestation hypnobirthing comfort livery signification prompt moral support hortation intelligence testing education exercise consolation secretion spending moony permit deliverance cue transfusion testamentation information exchange proclamation bestowment confirmation withdrawal yield arbitration accentuation talk abandon solace ritualization description consideration infanticide primogeniture girl date boy feed chronological age physiogony triplet sanger toddle tickle tear demand connotation wag pursuit inheritance destruction performance putter initiation Prohibition apperception loan clamber provocation entrance run fling tease cast beggary predation establishment estimation pursual Moor graze comparison perishment kill snarl fulfillment replacement vibration tip convoy fetch gape refrenation reptation get alienation swallow ligature subrogation cram collection speculation abolition attendance empoisonment scintillation accomplishment dispatchment anchorage hoist appointment abort show freebirth couvade birth certificate fell pupiparous motherland fallen outpouring almsdeed offering bring someone into the world blessed event entailment leave-taking deal gratification animalization propine enlightenment baby blues confine fetiparous agalactia home birth baby blue publication argumentation motivation disclosure pass recital intitulation excretion distributive focus yarn incorporation narration tapping shuffle specification endorsement abnegation endowment philanthropic proposition diktat recordation subordination shove retortion adaeration preference conversion benefaction glowing sponsorship acquiescence traduction explaining circumcision noblesse mammal teratology IUD grandfatherland catch hare birthdom co–twin sweetness reciprocation immersive lying–in instalment bluing unpleasantness consanguineal mother country passioning obviate approbation contraction gathering wager postpartum depression time epidural testification allocation structurization molding forfeiture reporting articulation branding underwriting lodgement misrepresentation apostasy examination self–sacrifice retorsion multiple birth birthdate die in childbirth multiply multiparous disengagement spring cesarean section gentleness carelessly compact gauzy qualify effervescence cavernous potted rendering advisory disnaturalize drowsy profuse stage direction remediation runny refreshment patricianhood seniority literal druggery liberality compendious discharge succinct criticism distinction enforcement marsupial matching benedictory forming gentrice birth weight trilling nulliparity orientation racialization baseness baby weight chordoma cognate base lowly born eugeny in embryo nativity scene constellation semple homeland testimony autochthonism scottification hothousing time-scale promotion tipping reverse discrimination bribe positive discrimination pregnancy yob misborn lowborn august cradle high doping leak watch check endurance maternity give natality pup recount devotion seed demonstration knave kittle rascal protective kid eugenic blue blood birthrank berth gentilitial multiparity preferential evolution kindly ringing stirrup pethidine assentive greeting live birth in attendance crowdsourcing birth controller domicile of origin hyleg ovoviviparous flashing ageing stand down beneficial carillon bright–eyed satin stitch seeming realization nee brilliance brief perjury brightness balsamic vibrant dry full-length extension child-centred stand aedicula lickspittle award oratory reserve judgement spermatogonium fiat federalism Indian giving -centred century travail absorption resalutation golden handshake blood-giving imperative actionability recklessness death trance emancipation distortion consulting drosera adhortative payola slimline three–dimensional seminarophobia self-sacrifice quintuplet jus soli philopatry BC octuplet quadruplet horoscopy telltale consecration veil jubilant sagittal fontanelle vaginal radix polydactyly lanugo obstetric certificate maternal gentlehood innocent crib full–term gestational carrier rip-off patent ductus arteriosus birth flower maid of honor genethliac Star of Bethlehem uterus heritage motherism aristocracy city irresponsibility handshake lordly wake-robin family planning caste blood royal repatriate post-partum blithemeat gently born congenital in the year of our Lord term trigeminous illegitimate parentage septuplet due heir apparent acculturate Susan B. Anthony Day consanguine full-term genethliacal palingenesis babymoon heir presumptive male nativity play breech presentation breech delivery home town Cytherea age the patter of tiny feet solemnize hypospadias alms-deed projection protraction constraint constriction fettle harmonization lapidation detection detention culmination crucifixion draw drench launch chew dug election mobilization climb emersion enjoyment flown fly flying fixture despecialization dodge displacement certification erection espial decipherment excitation exclamation excuse garble obsession going geˌsticuˈlation gad go engraftation abacination ludification reassignment hypnotism impress congratulation commemoration commendation crush cultivation recomposition reinspection insertion leapt loll dicker limitation rejoice remonetization March disfigurement meld mention exhalation affeerment olfaction equipment erasion catechisation responsion retailment bewailment Pan plunge pound polish measurement rufflement purveyance savement quadrature pulˈsation presumption prick scarification prescription proposal Protestant repurchase rescue indulgence redouble rehearsal removal rupture roam injection reˈcipience reading quotation singe scamper jump schooling slue stigmatization location look spear split spoil spoilt stab stolen stop simplification supplication supposition sneer swerve tinker shampoo purge torsion supervention taxation underplay tearing tears nag puja tremble take taken vexation vomit aperture temporization baptizement portrayal pluck precedence allusion robbery retirement revelation scatter salute annulment spread sternutation stipulation verification vituperation amusement winnow deliquiation wail perturbation pardon passage pour prance predesignation propelment propitiation protection dehiscence pull application receipt reconciliation reconfiguration reconsideration remandment remotion renege renewal redeployment rescindment rescission rescript ascension resignment refitment ascent refresh refurnishment refusal restrainment reproval aspiration revalidation reverberation assertion scout scud deception demolition departure ejaculation assortment encampment disturbance dockage dilation detonation discardment discernment discreation discrimination display neglect numeration nursery objection obstruction sit slip snivel soar shrink setting song acceleration acquirement acquisition excavation enumeration faint fixation expansion export flight fluxion fold incoming indication ingress identification hike intinction invention irritation

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Words For "the act of giving birth"

As you've probably noticed, words for "the act of giving birth" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "the act of giving birth" are: delivery, parturition, childbirth, birthing, and childbearing. There are 995 other words that are related to or similar to the act of giving birth listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "the act of giving birth" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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